After Sex on Screen
ICA, London
1 December 2023, 18:30
Tickets here
Queer feminist film curation collective Club Des Femmes present a programme of short films on abortion and bodily autonomy in conversation with Silver Press’ new reproductive freedoms anthology After Sex. Working backwards – as reproductive justice access appears to be – from an artist’s film about the Repeal the 8th processions in Republic of Ireland in 2018 to illegal abortions in Australia in the 1930s, the programme of seven short films puts the long history of the feminist struggle for freedom on screen. Combining the exhilaration of protest with reflective immersion, these films show abortion as part of daily life.
Reproductive justice is visible as ongoing, communal work that crosses lines of gender identity, class and race: a practice both practical. In the words of Ursula K Le Guin, who tells her abortion story in What It Was Like, ‘I beg you to see what it is that we must save, and not to let the bigots and misogynists take it away from us again.’
Writers and Club Des Femmes members So Mayer and Ania Ostrowska will introduce the programme and selection of films.
Over the course of a week and four events, ICA and Silver Press examine freedom through the lenses of collective liberation, bodily autonomy, reproductive justice and feminism.